exception promptr.AmbiguousCommand(cmd, args)

Bases: promptr.PromptrError

The promptr command was ambiguous

The input from the user didn’t matched multiple states, groups, or commands and so promptr could not choose one to execute.

  • cmd (str) – The attempted command

  • args (List[str]) – The arguments passed to the command

class promptr.Argument(name, **kwargs)

Bases: object

promptr argument

Base class for promptr arguments. Used by the argument decorator to add an argument to a state, group, or command. Arguments require a name and can take an optional function that provides completions.

  • name (str) – The name of the argument. This will be used to pass the value to the state, group, or command as a kwarg

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

    A dictionary of keyword arguments.


    Either a list of str, or a generator that yields str.

property completions

Return a list of completions that are valid for this Argument

Return type


property name

Get the name of the Argument

Return type


class promptr.Base(name, callback, params, parent, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base class for most promptr objects

Shouldn’t be a need to instantiate this directly but can be sub-classed to add functionality or to extend a current class. Instances of this class can be passed to the decorator as the cls keyword in order to customise th behaviour of the library.

  • name (str) – The name that this state, group, or command will be referred by. Used to derive the possible set of completions. Auto generated using the functions name, but can be overriden.

  • callback (Callable) – The function that the user has written and we’ve wrapped in this class.

  • params (List[Argument]) – Any Argument classes that have been attached to this class.

  • parent (Base) – Link to the parent class. Used for getting back to the Prompt instance.

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

    A dictionary of keyword arguments


    should be a list of str that will be used as additional, optional prefixes when performing command completion.

call(cmd, line_parts)

Called when this class is activated by the promopt

This method calls the underlying callback after parsing any given arguments. It also adds in an optional keyword argument to the callback function; called_name is the completed form of the command that user typed. This allows the callback function to change it’s behaviour depending on how it was called.

  • cmd (str) – The command that user entered that has been matched to this class.

  • line_parts (List[str]) – The rest of the user entered line as list

child_completions(line_parts, last_word)

Get all matching completions

Generator that yields str when the cmd matches one of this command’s names.


cmd (str) – The command to match against

Return type



Get all matching completions

Returns a list of matches and whether they are exact or not.


cmd (str) – The command to match against

Return type

List[Tuple[str, bool]]

property hasParams
Return type


list_children(p=<built-in function print>, deep=False, indent=0, curr_indent=0)

Lists all of the child commands attached to this instance.

  • p (Callable) – The functions used for printing. default: print

  • deep (bool) – Continue traversing into all children.

  • indent (int) – The amount of indentation to add at each level of depth.

  • curr_indent (int) – The current level of indentation.

property names

Get the names that this command can be called by

Return type


class promptr.Command(name, callback, params, parent, **kwargs)

Bases: promptr.Base

exception promptr.CommandNotFound(cmd, args)

Bases: promptr.PromptrError

The promptr command wasn’t found

The input from the user didn’t match a known state, group, or command.

  • cmd (str) – The command that wasn’t found

  • args (List[str]) – The arguments passed to the command

exception promptr.ExitState

Bases: promptr.PromptrError

promptr exit state

Raised when the user has requested to leave the current state. This should be caught and the current state should be popped from the stack, up until the last remaining state at which point the program should exit.

class promptr.Group(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: promptr.Base

command(*args, **kwargs)

Add a command to this group


kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

Dictionary of keyword arguments


Name of the class to use to create the command default Command

group(*args, **kwargs)

Add a group to this group


kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

Dictionary of keyword arguments


Name of the class to use to create the group default Group

state(*args, **kwargs)

Add a state to this group


kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

Dictionary of keyword arguments


Name of the class to use to create the state default State

exception promptr.NotEnoughArgs(cmd, params)

Bases: promptr.PromptrError

Too few parameters passed

The input from the user didn’t contain enough parameters for the required number of arguments.

  • cmd (str) – The attempted command

  • params (List[Argument]) – The required parameters

class promptr.Prompt(prompt_fmt='{host}{state}# ', state_delim='-', state_paren_l='(', state_paren_r=')', extra_completions=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

argument(*args, **kwargs)
command(*args, **kwargs)

Add a command to this promptr instance


kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

Dictionary of keyword arguments


Name of the class to use to create the command default Command

property current_prompt
property current_state
get_context(key, default=None)
group(*args, **kwargs)

Add a group to this promptr instance


kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

Dictionary of keyword arguments


Name of the class to use to create the group default Group

run_text(text, **kwargs)
set_context(key, value)
state(*args, **kwargs)

Add a state to this promptr instance


kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) –

Dictionary of keyword arguments


Name of the class to use to create the state default State

class promptr.PromptrCompleter(prompt, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: prompt_toolkit.completion.base.Completer

get_completions(document, complete_event)

This should be a generator that yields Completion instances.

If the generation of completions is something expensive (that takes a lot of time), consider wrapping this Completer class in a ThreadedCompleter. In that case, the completer algorithm runs in a background thread and completions will be displayed as soon as they arrive.

  • documentDocument instance.

  • complete_eventCompleteEvent instance.

exception promptr.PromptrError

Bases: RuntimeError

promptr base error

class promptr.StackItem(state, context)

Bases: tuple

property context

Alias for field number 1

property state

Alias for field number 0

class promptr.State(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: promptr.Group

property names

Get the names that this command can be called by
